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Booking Token Cancellation Process

The Camino Messenger platform implements a flexible cancellation system for booking tokens that accommodates both distributor-initiated and supplier-initiated cancellations. The process is designed to allow negotiation between parties while maintaining security and clarity throughout the cancellation flow.

The process consists of multiple steps, but the messages are small and the fields used are frequently the same, which results in only a small additional complexity compared to a direct API call to check whether a booking is cancellable and what the cancellation cost is, followed by a finalization call for the cancellation.

If the booking is paid off-chain and the cancellation is initiated, an ISO currency is specified in the refund_amount and the on-chain refund operation is skipped.

This way the process is uniform for on/off-chain payments and serves as a ledger to avoid disputes and allowing for automation in both cases.

In cases where a supplier has to cancel a booking, today's processes are fully manual, cumbersome and leading to disputes. Supplier driven cancellation, refund proposals and automated counter proposals based on rebooking cost, can be an important efficiency improvement.

Cancellation is not a service

When travel products are bought, it is expected that they can be cancelled as well. Conclusively a supplier that implements the Mint request to sell a travel product or service is expected to have implemented the cancellation as well. As such, cancellation is not a service that can be specified as such in the CM Account. Whether a minted booking can be cancelled is defined by the cancellable boolean in the MintRS.

CheckCancellation is a service. It is an optional operation that might or might not be supported by suppliers to check if a booking is cancellable and what the refund amount would be if cancelled at this moment. This service has to be configured in the CM Account.

Imagine a partner would not implement cancellation and allow cancellation via an extranet, email or telephone call, this would violate the single point of truth function of the blockchain ledger. Conclusively, cancellation of bookings minted on Camino and cancelled via other means, while leaving the minted booking active on the blockchain is strongly discouraged.


The cancellation process can be initiated by either the distributor (token owner) or the supplier, with very similar flows. The flow includes safety checks, refund handling, and clear state transitions managed through smart contracts.

The process is designed to have the distributor and the supplier agree on the cancellation cost during the process. Normally the cancellation conditions are fixed during the initial booking process in rules. These rules can be interpreted differently between distributor and supplier, which can lead to disputes.

When a distributor has stored the cancellation conditions with the booking, the cancellation process can be started with the InitiateCancellationRequest. In case the cancellation conditions are not stored or the distributor wants to check the cancellation cost before initiating the process, the CheckCancellationRequest can be used.

The CheckCancellationRequest is a pure Bot-to-Bot message and is not recorded on-chain at all. On-chain registration of the cancellation starts with the InitiateCancellationRequest and remains on-chain, even if the cancellation is rejected.

It is important to note that in all cases the refund amount must be specified and not the cancellation cost. This is because the originally (to be) paid amount for the initial booking (for example 1,000€) was already specified in a previous transaction. For the cancellation transaction, the reverse payment needs to be specified (assuming a cancellation cost of 200€, the refund amount will be 800€ in our example).

The initiation of the cancellation is stored on-chain, which eliminates disputes regarding the moment of cancellation. If the service can be cancelled, the supplier cancels the service in their inventory system and the bot initiates the transfer of the refund amount and the booking token status is set to cancelled.

The supplier can also reject the cancellation using RejectCancellation for example when the service is already used or in case cancellation is not possible (for example in case of a non-refundable rate plan).

In case the supplier does not agree to the proposed refund amount (cancellation cost) a CounterCancellation can be proposed by the supplier and if agreeable to the distributor, the cancellation can be accepted with this new refund value by using AcceptCancellation, and then the supplier would finalize the cancellation by calling FinalizeCancellation.

Cancellation Flow and Messages

A cancellation is initiated via the Camino Messenger. The refund amount should be predetermined; if not stored with the booking, it can be requested from the supplier using the CheckCancellationRequest.

Both parties have the following options regarding the cancellation of a booking token, with additional details provided if an option is exclusive to one party.


  • The distributor sends InitiateCancellationRequest with TokenID and proposed Refund amount. A cancellation reason can be included.
  • The response is the transaction ID of the registration on the blockchain. (Transaction ID of the initiateCancellation() call on-chain)
  • The cancellation is set to pending and the proposer and status are recorded on-chain
  • CancellationPending and CancellationReasons events are emitted, that both the distributor and the supplier bots will pick-up. Bots will then notify the partner plugins with a CancellationPending message, combining two events from the chain into one message, via the CancellationPendingNotification method of NotificationService.
  • Supplier initiated cancellation, follows the exact same steps upon submission of the InitiateCancellationRequest.


  • The supplier does a look-up from the TokenID in the CancellationPendingNotification to determine the inventory system booking reference to be cancelled.
  • The supplier can accept the cancellation by accepting the proposed refund amount in case the booking can be cancelled.
  • Supplier partner plugin then send the FinalizeCancellationRequest to the supplier bot. (No need to call AcceptCancellation as finalize call implies the acceptance)
  • The supplier bot then calls finalizeCancellation function on their CM Account which sets the status of the cancellation to FINALIZED and updates the token status to CANCELLED. (finalizeCancellation function on CM Accounts calls the finalizeCancellation function on the BookingToken contract)
  • In case of the payment token address is not OFFCHAIN_PAYMENT, the finalizeCancellation call also does the refund operation, transferring the amount from the supplier's CM Account to the distributor's CM Account, in the currency of the provided payment token address. (ERC20 or native coin if the address is zero)
  • The CancellationFinalized event is emitted on-chain.
  • Distributor bot listens for on-chain events, receives the CancellationFinalized event and forwards the CancellationFinalizedNotification to the distributor partner plugin,
  • The Distributor expects the reception of the CancellationFinalizedNotification, which should trigger a different workflow in case of on-chain or off-chain payment.
    • In case of on-chain payment the accountancy system should be advised of reception of the refund in the CM Account.
    • In case of off-chain payment, the accountancy system should be triggered to receive the specified refund amount via credit-note, IBAN transfer or VCC refund.
  • Supplier bot listens for on-chain events, receives the CancellationFinalized event and then sends the CancellationFinalizedNotification to the partner plugin. As the booking token is now set to CANCELLED, the booking can definitively be cancelled in the inventory system.
    • In case of on-chain payment the accountancy system should be advised of the transfer of the refund from the CM Account, after the CancellationFinalizedNotification.
    • In case of off-chain payment, the accountancy system should be triggered to transfer the specified refund amount via credit-note, IBAN transfer or VCC refund, upon reception of the CancellationFinalizedNotification.
  • The Supplier initiated cancellation flow is the same, until after the acceptance of the cancellation by the distributor, in which case the supplier continues the workflow with the FinalizeCancellationRQ. This is the reason the finalization is not included in the acceptance, as the supplier has to sign the refund transaction.


In case the booking can be cancelled, but the refund amount provided by the proposer does not match the original cost minus the cancellation cost, the other party can return a counter proposal with a corrected refund amount. In case of a distributor initiated cancellation, the proposer is the distributor. In case of initiation by the supplier, the proposer is the supplier and the other party the distributor.

  • Upon reception of the CancellationPendingNotification, the other party checks whether the booking can be cancelled and the proposed refund amount is correct.
  • The other party can counter with a different refund amount using the CounterCancellationRequest.
  • The proposer receives a new CancellationPendingNotification and can then either:
    • (In case of distributor) Accept the counter-proposal, using the AcceptCancellationRequest.
    • (In case of supplier) Finalize the counter-proposal, using the FinalizeCancellationRequest.
    • Counter the counter-proposal with another CounterCancellationRequest.

Under normal conditions, we do not expect a back and forth counter cancellation proposal.

  • In case of a distributor initiated cancellation, the refund amount should be matching the cancellation conditions as agreed in the booking moment. A counter proposal could occur in case of an implementation error of the cancellation cost or refund calculations.
  • In case of a supplier initiated cancellation, the distributor might be faced with the obligation to provide the originally booked services at a higher cost. The rebooking process at the distributor side, can now automatically allocate the damage to the responsible party, by using the CounterCancellationRequest to add the cost difference to the refund amount.


Cancellation may not be possible if the service is already used or partially used (e.g., the first couple of days of a stay or car rental)

  • Upon reception of the CancellationPendingNotification, the other party checks whether the booking can be cancelled.
  • If it is not, RejectCancellationRequest can be sent to the bot, which will call rejectCancellation on-chain.
  • The rejection must include the reason why the cancellation is not possible, which is stored on-chain.
  • This sets the cancellation proposal status to REJECTED and emits CancellationRejected event.


The cancellation can only be withdrawn by the current proposer of the cancellation proposal. For example, if an employee has requested the cancellation of the wrong booking or in case of an unacceptable counter proposal.

During any time in the process, the currentProposer (who initiates or counters the proposal) can send a WithdrawCancellationRequest to their bot and the bot will call withdrawCancellation function on the contract. This sets the status of the cancellation proposal to WITHDRAWN and emits a CancellationWithdrawn event.



Only supplier can do the finalization.

Finalization is the process of completing the cancellation proposal by sending the refund amount from supplier to the distributor. Because of this, it can only be done by the supplier.

When a cancellation proposal is initiated by the distributor, or distributor counters a proposal (both means that distributor accepts the proposal terms) the supplier can send FinalizeCancellationRequest to their bot, which will follow up with a call to the finalizeCancellation function, that results in acceptance of the proposal and finalizes it by sending the refund amount to the distributor.

Supplier-Initiated Cancellation

Supplier-initiated cancellations can occur, for example, when an excursion cannot take place due to weather conditions, when a flight is cancelled, or when a hotel is overbooked or damaged by disasters.


We will extend this section in the future to include alternatives, so that instead of cancelling the service a modification to alternatives can be offered.

When a supplier initiates a cancellation, the process is completely mirrored, except for the finalization, which is always done by the supplier upon the acceptance of the cancellation by the distributor.

Sequence Diagram of the Cancellation Flow

Security and Validation

  • All refund amounts are validated at multiple steps.
  • Both parties must agree on the final refund amount.
  • The token state is managed securely throughout the process.
  • Events are emitted at each step to maintain transparency.
  • Smart contract state transitions prevent invalid operation sequences.

Refund Processing

  • Refunds can be processed in native currency (CAM) or ERC20 tokens.
  • The supplier must provide the exact refund amount agreed upon.
  • Refund amount is automatically transferred to the distributor upon successful finalization of the cancellation.
  • The token is burned only after successful refund transfer.

This process ensures a fair, secure, and flexible system for handling booking cancellations while maintaining the integrity of the booking token system.