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Subnet CLI

The subnet-cli is a command-line interface to manage Camino Subnets.



git clone
cd camino-subnet-cli;
go install -v .;

Once you have installed subnet-cli, run command subnet-cli to confirm it is working as expected (make sure your $GOBIN is in your $PATH):

Pre-Built Binaries

Pre-build binaries of subnet-cli are not available at this time.


> subnet-cli
subnet-cli CLI

subnet-cli [command]

Available Commands:
add Sub-commands for creating resources
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
create Sub-commands for creating resources
help Help about any command
status status commands
wizard A magical command for creating an entire subnet

--enable-prompt 'true' to enable prompt mode (default true)
-h, --help help for subnet-cli
--log-level string log level (default "info")
--poll-interval duration interval to poll tx/blockchain status (default 1s)
--request-timeout duration request timeout (default 2m0s)

Use "subnet-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.

It DOES NOT need to be run on the same host where you are running your validator.

Network Selection

Should a subnet-cli command call an API endpoint, --public-uri is used to specify where the endpoint is.

At this point subnet-cli was only tested with the local endpoint:

subnet-cli create VMID

This command is used to generate a valid VMID based on some string to uniquely identify a VM. This should stay the same for all versions of the VM, so it should be based on a word rather than the hash of some code.

subnet-cli create VMID <identifier> [--hash]


> subnet-cli create VMID timestampvm
created a new VMID tGas3T58KzdjcJ2iKSyiYsWiqYctRXaPTqBCA11BqEkNg8kPc from timestampvm

subnet-cli create key

> subnet-cli create key
created a new key ""

This creates a file under the current directory with a private key. By default, subnet-cli uses the key specified in file on the P-Chain to pay for the transaction fee, unless --private-key-path is used to overwrite. Please make sure that you have enough fund on this P-Chain address to pay for transactions.


On local node funds can be transfered from X-Chain to P-Chain using the following API calls:

  • avm.export
  • platform.importAVAX

subnet-cli wizard

wizard is a magical command that:

  • Adds all NodeIDs as validators to the primary network (skipping any that already exist)
  • Creates a Subnet
  • Adds all NodeIDs as validators on the Subnet
  • Creates a new blockchain

Here is a command to create a Subnet on Fuji Testnet:

> subnet-cli wizard \
--public-uri= \ \
--chain-name="TSwizz" \
--validate-end="2023-05-10T09:34:23+02:00" \
--vm-genesis-path="./timestampvm-genesis.json" \
--node-ids="NodeID-Nj5C7NdpS3p8hZvu6b5HBREKi8hA1qbDD" \

And its full printed log on the console:

2022-07-14T09:44:33.236+0200	info	client/client.go:81	fetching X-Chain id
2022-07-14T09:44:33.243+0200 info client/client.go:87 fetched X-Chain id {"id": "pgk8Re3MCEbQu62orC1ebw7YKzpX1Yk4iS7vTxZReAm9Pjp6m"}
2022-07-14T09:44:33.243+0200 info client/client.go:96 fetching CAM asset id {"uri": ""}
2022-07-14T09:44:33.245+0200 info client/client.go:105 fetched CAM asset id {"id": "23MDJv6nhwCGnEer4GsEQWwDURk42ZQBoc444eosZ4BVgH87EW"}
2022-07-14T09:44:33.245+0200 info client/client.go:107 fetching network information
2022-07-14T09:44:33.245+0200 info client/client.go:116 fetched network information {"networkId": 1001, "networkName": "columbus"}

Nj5C7NdpS3p8hZvu6b5HBREKi8hA1qbDD is already a validator on 11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY

Ready to run wizard, should we continue?
| PRIMARY P-CHAIN ADDRESS | P-columbus17pysyr6av4n2gf6teqv3kjd5ewdkmncwrhq6qk |
| TOTAL P-CHAIN BALANCE | 4,749.8053750 $CAM |
| TX FEE | 0.201 $CAM |
| URI | |
| NETWORK NAME | columbus |
| CHAIN NAME | TSwizz |
| VM ID | tGas3T58KzdjLHhBDMnH2TvrddhqTji5iZAMZ3RXs2NLpSnhH |
| VM GENESIS PATH | ./timestampvm-genesis.json |
✔ Yes, let's create! I agree to pay the fee!

2022-07-14T09:44:54.138+0200 info client/p.go:131 creating subnet {"dryMode": false, "assetId": "23MDJv6nhwCGnEer4GsEQWwDURk42ZQBoc444eosZ4BVgH87EW", "createSubnetTxFee": 100000000}
2022-07-14T09:44:54.178+0200 info platformvm/checker.go:74 polling subnet {"subnetId": "MZE36w4FFMpWu7hoJjHmf8bAJcx2uvFK3oKSciobQrrSPAtx9"}
2022-07-14T09:44:54.179+0200 info platformvm/checker.go:48 polling P-Chain tx {"txId": "MZE36w4FFMpWu7hoJjHmf8bAJcx2uvFK3oKSciobQrrSPAtx9", "expectedStatus": "Committed"}
2022-07-14T09:44:54.179+0200 info poll/poll.go:42 start polling {"internal": "1s"}
2022-07-14T09:44:55.182+0200 info poll/poll.go:66 poll confirmed {"took": "1.002398061s"}
2022-07-14T09:44:55.182+0200 info platformvm/checker.go:88 finding subnets {"subnetId": "MZE36w4FFMpWu7hoJjHmf8bAJcx2uvFK3oKSciobQrrSPAtx9"}
2022-07-14T09:44:55.182+0200 info poll/poll.go:42 start polling {"internal": "1s"}
2022-07-14T09:44:55.182+0200 info poll/poll.go:66 poll confirmed {"took": "450.058µs"}
created subnet "MZE36w4FFMpWu7hoJjHmf8bAJcx2uvFK3oKSciobQrrSPAtx9" (took 1.002848119s)

Now, time for some config changes on your node(s).
Set --whitelisted-subnets=MZE36w4FFMpWu7hoJjHmf8bAJcx2uvFK3oKSciobQrrSPAtx9 and move the compiled VM tGas3T58KzdjLHhBDMnH2TvrddhqTji5iZAMZ3RXs2NLpSnhH to <build-dir>/plugins/tGas3T58KzdjLHhBDMnH2TvrddhqTji5iZAMZ3RXs2NLpSnhH.
When you're finished, restart your node.
✔ Yes, let's continue! I've updated --whitelisted-subnets, built my VM, and restarted my node(s)!

2022-07-14T09:48:26.168+0200 info client/p.go:299 adding subnet validator {"subnetId": "MZE36w4FFMpWu7hoJjHmf8bAJcx2uvFK3oKSciobQrrSPAtx9", "txFee": 1000000, "start": "2022-07-14T09:48:56.162+0200", "end": "2023-03-16T01:00:00.000+0100", "weight": 1000}
2022-07-14T09:48:26.193+0200 info platformvm/checker.go:48 polling P-Chain tx {"txId": "2a6ZRwNAEZN7t3wAQU9eASSUDsSM7x7BPM75vN84vPf3hWDuzo", "expectedStatus": "Committed"}
2022-07-14T09:48:26.193+0200 info poll/poll.go:42 start polling {"internal": "1s"}
2022-07-14T09:48:27.193+0200 info poll/poll.go:66 poll confirmed {"took": "1.000624494s"}
added Nj5C7NdpS3p8hZvu6b5HBREKi8hA1qbDD to subnet MZE36w4FFMpWu7hoJjHmf8bAJcx2uvFK3oKSciobQrrSPAtx9 validator set (took 1.000624494s)

waiting for validator Nj5C7NdpS3p8hZvu6b5HBREKi8hA1qbDD to start validating MZE36w4FFMpWu7hoJjHmf8bAJcx2uvFK3oKSciobQrrSPAtx9...(could take a few minutes)

2022-07-14T09:48:57.199+0200 info client/p.go:497 creating blockchain {"subnetId": "MZE36w4FFMpWu7hoJjHmf8bAJcx2uvFK3oKSciobQrrSPAtx9", "chainName": "TSwizz", "vmId": "tGas3T58KzdjLHhBDMnH2TvrddhqTji5iZAMZ3RXs2NLpSnhH", "createBlockchainTxFee": 100000000}
created blockchain "2BYk5xByKdsumDavgrY2VdNkc7ichKTyTpBUSKCwBbFh321SQB" (took 2.575819ms)

| PRIMARY P-CHAIN ADDRESS | P-columbus17pysyr6av4n2gf6teqv3kjd5ewdkmncwrhq6qk |
| TOTAL P-CHAIN BALANCE | 4,749.7043750 $CAM |
| URI | |
| NETWORK NAME | columbus |
| SUBNET VALIDATORS | [Nj5C7NdpS3p8hZvu6b5HBREKi8hA1qbDD] |
| SUBNET ID | MZE36w4FFMpWu7hoJjHmf8bAJcx2uvFK3oKSciobQrrSPAtx9 |
| BLOCKCHAIN ID | 2BYk5xByKdsumDavgrY2VdNkc7ichKTyTpBUSKCwBbFh321SQB |
| CHAIN NAME | TSwizz |
| VM ID | tGas3T58KzdjLHhBDMnH2TvrddhqTji5iZAMZ3RXs2NLpSnhH |
| VM GENESIS PATH | ./timestampvm-genesis.json |

The following are created successfully:

  • Subnet: MZE36w4FFMpWu7hoJjHmf8bAJcx2uvFK3oKSciobQrrSPAtx9
  • Blockchain: 2BYk5xByKdsumDavgrY2VdNkc7ichKTyTpBUSKCwBbFh321SQB

subnet-cli create subnet

subnet-cli create subnet

To create a Subnet on the local network:

subnet-cli create subnet \ \

And its console log:

2022-07-18T11:05:38.630+0200	info	client/client.go:81	fetching X-Chain id
2022-07-18T11:05:38.636+0200 info client/client.go:87 fetched X-Chain id {"id": "pgk8Re3MCEbQu62orC1ebw7YKzpX1Yk4iS7vTxZReAm9Pjp6m"}
2022-07-18T11:05:38.636+0200 info client/client.go:96 fetching CAM asset id {"uri": ""}
2022-07-18T11:05:38.636+0200 info client/client.go:105 fetched CAM asset id {"id": "23MDJv6nhwCGnEer4GsEQWwDURk42ZQBoc444eosZ4BVgH87EW"}
2022-07-18T11:05:38.636+0200 info client/client.go:107 fetching network information
2022-07-18T11:05:38.637+0200 info client/client.go:116 fetched network information {"networkId": 1001, "networkName": "columbus"}
2022-07-18T11:05:38.666+0200 info client/p.go:131 creating subnet {"dryMode": true, "assetId": "23MDJv6nhwCGnEer4GsEQWwDURk42ZQBoc444eosZ4BVgH87EW", "createSubnetTxFee": 100000000}

Ready to create subnet resources, should we continue?
| PRIMARY P-CHAIN ADDRESS | P-columbus17pysyr6av4n2gf6teqv3kjd5ewdkmncwrhq6qk |
| TOTAL P-CHAIN BALANCE | 2,499.9990000 $CAM |
| TX FEE | 0.100 $CAM |
| URI | |
| NETWORK NAME | columbus |
| EXPECTED SUBNET ID | 2dwibTuU3YxvTe7Lc5X4PsmCeC5JiBr1PGJVpCm8T1nec7zUSx |
✔ Yes, let's create! I agree to pay the fee!

2022-07-18T11:05:43.432+0200 info client/p.go:131 creating subnet {"dryMode": false, "assetId": "23MDJv6nhwCGnEer4GsEQWwDURk42ZQBoc444eosZ4BVgH87EW", "createSubnetTxFee": 100000000}
2022-07-18T11:05:43.435+0200 info platformvm/checker.go:74 polling subnet {"subnetId": "2dwibTuU3YxvTe7Lc5X4PsmCeC5JiBr1PGJVpCm8T1nec7zUSx"}
2022-07-18T11:05:43.436+0200 info platformvm/checker.go:48 polling P-Chain tx {"txId": "2dwibTuU3YxvTe7Lc5X4PsmCeC5JiBr1PGJVpCm8T1nec7zUSx", "expectedStatus": "Committed"}
2022-07-18T11:05:43.436+0200 info poll/poll.go:42 start polling {"internal": "1s"}
2022-07-18T11:05:44.437+0200 info poll/poll.go:66 poll confirmed {"took": "1.001827607s"}
2022-07-18T11:05:44.438+0200 info platformvm/checker.go:88 finding subnets {"subnetId": "2dwibTuU3YxvTe7Lc5X4PsmCeC5JiBr1PGJVpCm8T1nec7zUSx"}
2022-07-18T11:05:44.438+0200 info poll/poll.go:42 start polling {"internal": "1s"}
2022-07-18T11:05:44.438+0200 info poll/poll.go:66 poll confirmed {"took": "480.827µs"}
created subnet "2dwibTuU3YxvTe7Lc5X4PsmCeC5JiBr1PGJVpCm8T1nec7zUSx" (took 1.002308434s)
(subnet must be whitelisted beforehand via --whitelisted-subnets flag!)

| PRIMARY P-CHAIN ADDRESS | P-columbus17pysyr6av4n2gf6teqv3kjd5ewdkmncwrhq6qk |
| TOTAL P-CHAIN BALANCE | 2,499.8990000 $CAM |
| URI | |
| NETWORK NAME | columbus |
| CREATED SUBNET ID | 2dwibTuU3YxvTe7Lc5X4PsmCeC5JiBr1PGJVpCm8T1nec7zUSx |

subnet-cli add validator

subnet-cli add validator \
--node-ids="[YOUR-NODE-ID]" \
--stake-amount=[STAKE-AMOUNT-IN-NANO-CAM] \

To add a validator to the local network:

subnet-cli add validator \
--public-uri=http://localhost:9650 \
--node-ids="NodeID-Nj5C7NdpS3p8hZvu6b5HBREKi8hA1qbDD" \
--stake-amount=100000000000 \
2022-07-18T11:00:52.315+0200	info	client/client.go:81	fetching X-Chain id
2022-07-18T11:00:52.322+0200 info client/client.go:87 fetched X-Chain id {"id": "pgk8Re3MCEbQu62orC1ebw7YKzpX1Yk4iS7vTxZReAm9Pjp6m"}
2022-07-18T11:00:52.322+0200 info client/client.go:96 fetching CAM asset id {"uri": "http://localhost:9650"}
2022-07-18T11:00:52.322+0200 info client/client.go:105 fetched CAM asset id {"id": "23MDJv6nhwCGnEer4GsEQWwDURk42ZQBoc444eosZ4BVgH87EW"}
2022-07-18T11:00:52.322+0200 info client/client.go:107 fetching network information
2022-07-18T11:00:52.323+0200 info client/client.go:116 fetched network information {"networkId": 1001, "networkName": "columbus"}

Nj5C7NdpS3p8hZvu6b5HBREKi8hA1qbDD is already a validator on 11111111111111111111111111111111LpoYY
no primary network validators to add

subnet-cli add subnet-validator

subnet-cli add subnet-validator \
--node-ids="[YOUR-NODE-ID]" \

To add a Subnet validator to the local network:

> subnet-cli add subnet-validator \
--public-uri= \
--node-ids="NodeID-Nj5C7NdpS3p8hZvu6b5HBREKi8hA1qbDD" \

And its console log:

2022-07-18T11:15:20.843+0200	info	client/client.go:81	fetching X-Chain id
2022-07-18T11:15:20.854+0200 info client/client.go:87 fetched X-Chain id {"id": "pgk8Re3MCEbQu62orC1ebw7YKzpX1Yk4iS7vTxZReAm9Pjp6m"}
2022-07-18T11:15:20.854+0200 info client/client.go:96 fetching CAM asset id {"uri": ""}
2022-07-18T11:15:20.855+0200 info client/client.go:105 fetched CAM asset id {"id": "23MDJv6nhwCGnEer4GsEQWwDURk42ZQBoc444eosZ4BVgH87EW"}
2022-07-18T11:15:20.855+0200 info client/client.go:107 fetching network information
2022-07-18T11:15:20.856+0200 info client/client.go:116 fetched network information {"networkId": 1001, "networkName": "columbus"}

Ready to add subnet validator, should we continue?
| PRIMARY P-CHAIN ADDRESS | P-columbus17pysyr6av4n2gf6teqv3kjd5ewdkmncwrhq6qk |
| TOTAL P-CHAIN BALANCE | 2,499.8990000 $CAM |
| TX FEE | 0.001 $CAM |
| URI | |
| NETWORK NAME | columbus |
| NODE IDs | [Nj5C7NdpS3p8hZvu6b5HBREKi8hA1qbDD] |
| SUBNET ID | 2dwibTuU3YxvTe7Lc5X4PsmCeC5JiBr1PGJVpCm8T1nec7zUSx |
✔ Yes, let's create! I agree to pay the fee!

2022-07-18T11:15:24.619+0200 info client/p.go:299 adding subnet validator {"subnetId": "2dwibTuU3YxvTe7Lc5X4PsmCeC5JiBr1PGJVpCm8T1nec7zUSx", "txFee": 1000000, "start": "2022-07-18T11:15:54.618+0200", "end": "2023-03-16T01:00:00.000+0100", "weight": 1000}
2022-07-18T11:15:24.650+0200 info platformvm/checker.go:48 polling P-Chain tx {"txId": "22QGLfQh9o3baW56nr96pGPF977sXgkLYV15wp7j87YwTE1YdN", "expectedStatus": "Committed"}
2022-07-18T11:15:24.650+0200 info poll/poll.go:42 start polling {"internal": "1s"}
2022-07-18T11:15:25.652+0200 info poll/poll.go:66 poll confirmed {"took": "1.001411893s"}
added Nj5C7NdpS3p8hZvu6b5HBREKi8hA1qbDD to subnet 2dwibTuU3YxvTe7Lc5X4PsmCeC5JiBr1PGJVpCm8T1nec7zUSx validator set (took 1.001411893s)

waiting for validator Nj5C7NdpS3p8hZvu6b5HBREKi8hA1qbDD to start validating 2dwibTuU3YxvTe7Lc5X4PsmCeC5JiBr1PGJVpCm8T1nec7zUSx...(could take a few minutes)
| PRIMARY P-CHAIN ADDRESS | P-columbus17pysyr6av4n2gf6teqv3kjd5ewdkmncwrhq6qk |
| TOTAL P-CHAIN BALANCE | 2,499.8980000 $CAM |
| URI | |
| NETWORK NAME | columbus |
| NODE IDs | [Nj5C7NdpS3p8hZvu6b5HBREKi8hA1qbDD] |
| SUBNET ID | 2dwibTuU3YxvTe7Lc5X4PsmCeC5JiBr1PGJVpCm8T1nec7zUSx |
| VALIDATE START | 2022-07-18T11:15:54+02:00 |
| VALIDATE END | 2023-03-16T01:00:00+01:00 |

subnet-cli create blockchain

subnet-cli create blockchain \
--subnet-id="[YOUR-SUBNET-ID]" \
--chain-name="[YOUR-CHAIN-NAME]" \
--vm-id="[YOUR-VM-ID]" \

To create a blockchain with the local cluster:

subnet-cli create blockchain \
--public-uri= \
--subnet-id="2dwibTuU3YxvTe7Lc5X4PsmCeC5JiBr1PGJVpCm8T1nec7zUSx" \
--chain-name="TSnet" \
--vm-id="tGas3T58KzdjLHhBDMnH2TvrddhqTji5iZAMZ3RXs2NLpSnhH" \
2022-07-18T11:23:05.153+0200	info	client/client.go:81	fetching X-Chain id
2022-07-18T11:23:05.158+0200 info client/client.go:87 fetched X-Chain id {"id": "pgk8Re3MCEbQu62orC1ebw7YKzpX1Yk4iS7vTxZReAm9Pjp6m"}
2022-07-18T11:23:05.158+0200 info client/client.go:96 fetching CAM asset id {"uri": ""}
2022-07-18T11:23:05.159+0200 info client/client.go:105 fetched CAM asset id {"id": "23MDJv6nhwCGnEer4GsEQWwDURk42ZQBoc444eosZ4BVgH87EW"}
2022-07-18T11:23:05.159+0200 info client/client.go:107 fetching network information
2022-07-18T11:23:05.159+0200 info client/client.go:116 fetched network information {"networkId": 1001, "networkName": "columbus"}

Ready to create blockchain resources, should we continue?
| PRIMARY P-CHAIN ADDRESS | P-columbus17pysyr6av4n2gf6teqv3kjd5ewdkmncwrhq6qk |
| TOTAL P-CHAIN BALANCE | 2,499.8980000 $CAM |
| TX FEE | 0.100 $CAM |
| URI | |
| NETWORK NAME | columbus |
| SUBNET ID | 2dwibTuU3YxvTe7Lc5X4PsmCeC5JiBr1PGJVpCm8T1nec7zUSx |
| CHAIN NAME | TSnet |
| VM ID | tGas3T58KzdjLHhBDMnH2TvrddhqTji5iZAMZ3RXs2NLpSnhH |
| VM GENESIS PATH | ./timestampvm-genesis.json |
✔ Yes, let's create! I agree to pay the fee!

2022-07-18T11:23:07.183+0200 info client/p.go:497 creating blockchain {"subnetId": "2dwibTuU3YxvTe7Lc5X4PsmCeC5JiBr1PGJVpCm8T1nec7zUSx", "chainName": "TSnet", "vmId": "tGas3T58KzdjLHhBDMnH2TvrddhqTji5iZAMZ3RXs2NLpSnhH", "createBlockchainTxFee": 100000000}
created blockchain "rcXq53fMgf9f34iWXvQcka2VDSegdL3Knz7wMTNG5mxRboqFF" (took 3.205701ms)

| PRIMARY P-CHAIN ADDRESS | P-columbus17pysyr6av4n2gf6teqv3kjd5ewdkmncwrhq6qk |
| TOTAL P-CHAIN BALANCE | 2,499.8980000 $CAM |
| URI | |
| NETWORK NAME | columbus |
| SUBNET ID | 2dwibTuU3YxvTe7Lc5X4PsmCeC5JiBr1PGJVpCm8T1nec7zUSx |
| CREATED BLOCKCHAIN ID | rcXq53fMgf9f34iWXvQcka2VDSegdL3Knz7wMTNG5mxRboqFF |
| CHAIN NAME | TSnet |
| VM ID | tGas3T58KzdjLHhBDMnH2TvrddhqTji5iZAMZ3RXs2NLpSnhH |
| VM GENESIS PATH | ./timestampvm-genesis.json |

subnet-cli status blockchain

To check the status of the blockchain rcXq53fMgf9f34iWXvQcka2VDSegdL3Knz7wMTNG5mxRboqFF from a private URI:

subnet-cli status blockchain \
--private-uri= \
--blockchain-id="rcXq53fMgf9f34iWXvQcka2VDSegdL3Knz7wMTNG5mxRboqFF" \

2022-07-18T11:28:22.347+0200 info client/client.go:81 fetching X-Chain id
2022-07-18T11:28:22.351+0200 info client/client.go:87 fetched X-Chain id {"id": "pgk8Re3MCEbQu62orC1ebw7YKzpX1Yk4iS7vTxZReAm9Pjp6m"}
2022-07-18T11:28:22.351+0200 info client/client.go:96 fetching CAM asset id {"uri": ""}
2022-07-18T11:28:22.351+0200 info client/client.go:105 fetched CAM asset id {"id": "23MDJv6nhwCGnEer4GsEQWwDURk42ZQBoc444eosZ4BVgH87EW"}
2022-07-18T11:28:22.351+0200 info client/client.go:107 fetching network information
2022-07-18T11:28:22.352+0200 info client/client.go:116 fetched network information {"networkId": 1001, "networkName": "columbus"}

Checking blockchain...
2022-07-18T11:28:22.352+0200 info platformvm/checker.go:127 polling blockchain {"blockchainId": "rcXq53fMgf9f34iWXvQcka2VDSegdL3Knz7wMTNG5mxRboqFF", "expectedBlockchainStatus": "Validating"}
2022-07-18T11:28:22.353+0200 info platformvm/checker.go:48 polling P-Chain tx {"txId": "rcXq53fMgf9f34iWXvQcka2VDSegdL3Knz7wMTNG5mxRboqFF", "expectedStatus": "Committed"}
2022-07-18T11:28:22.353+0200 info poll/poll.go:42 start polling {"internal": "1s"}
2022-07-18T11:28:22.354+0200 info poll/poll.go:66 poll confirmed {"took": "874.197µs"}
2022-07-18T11:28:22.354+0200 info poll/poll.go:42 start polling {"internal": "1s"}
2022-07-18T11:28:22.355+0200 info poll/poll.go:66 poll confirmed {"took": "1.309324ms"}