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Camino Messenger Bot Partner Plugin


Please be aware that this document is currently a draft and is undergoing active development. Content, guidelines, and instructions may be subject to change.


This application is in the alpha phase of development. It is important to note that during this stage, breaking changes may occur without advance notice. Users should proceed with caution.

What is Partner Plugin?​

The Partner Plugin serves as a bridge enabling the Camino Messenger Bot to integrate seamlessly with pre-existing systems. This tool is crafted for both distributors and providers, coming equipped with a reference implementation to illustrate potential integration strategies.

Functioning as an intermediary, the Partner Plugin establishes a gRPC server that mirrors the bot's, effectively acting as a conduit for requests not directly handled by the bot itself. These requests are then channeled to the partner plugin which, after the necessary data transformation, forwards them to the existing system of the distributor or provider. For example, should the existing system accept search queries via a REST API, the Partner Plugin's responsibilities would include:

  • Receiving requests from the bot via its gRPC server.
  • Executing REST calls to communicate with the existing system, thereby facilitating the integration process.

Example implementation can be found at examples/rpc/partner-plugin/server.go within the Camino Messenger Bot repository.


Please note that the Partner Plugin is fundamentally a mockup designed solely for responding to incoming messages with mock data.

This application is compatible with all request types outlined in the Camino Messenger Protocol. However, it is not mandatory for a provider plugin to incorporate request types that are not applicable to the partner's services.

Compiling the Partner Plugin​

Before compiling the Partner Plugin, ensure you have followed the installation steps for the Camino Messenger Bot.

After completing the installation, execute the following command:

go build -o plugin  examples/rpc/partner-plugin/server.go

Running the Partner Plugin​

Execute the Partner Plugin with the following command in the shell:

PORT=50051 ./plugin

Ensure the port number aligns with what you've configured in the Camino Messenger Bot configuration file.

Java Spring Boot Implementation​

An alternative implementation of the Partner Plugin is available in Java Spring Boot. For more details, please visit the GitHub repository.

Sprint Boot Partner Plugin repository: